Core Indicators dataset download
This dataset contains Health Core Indicators from the Americas region from 1995 to the latest available year.
Fields used in the database
Field | Description |
paho_indicator_id | PAHO ID for this indicator |
indicator_name | Name of the indicator in english |
nombre_indicador | Name of the indicator in spanish |
spatial_dim_type | Type of spatial dimension |
spatial_dim | Value of the spatial dimension (iso code) |
spatial_dim_en | Name of the spatial dimension in english |
spatial_dim_es | Name of the spatial dimension in spanish |
time_dim_type | Type of temporal dimension |
time_dim | Value of the temporal dimension |
numeric_value | Numeric value of this data |
value_as_string | Value of this data as a string |
low | Lower value for this data (Estimation) |
high | Higher value for this data (Estimation) |
technical_note | Technical note in english |
nota_tecnica | Technical note in spanish |
data_source_type | Type of data source |
data_source_specific | Specific value of the data source |
data_provider_type | Type of data provider |
data_provider_specific | Specific value of the data provider |
data_secondary_source | Secondary data source |
type_statistics | Type of statistics |
public_private | Public or private sector in english |
public_private_sp | Public or private sector in spanish |
source_url | URL of the source |
preliminary | Mark for preliminary data |
published_at | Date of publication at the source |
accessed_at | Date of accessed by PAHO |
List of Indicators included in the dataset
- Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1 000 women aged 15-19 years)
- Alzheimer disease and other dementias mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Alzheimer disease and other dementias mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Alzheimer disease and other dementias mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Annual GDP growth (%)
- Annual parasite incidence (1 000 pop)
- Annual population growth rate (%)
- Antenatal care coverage -at least 4 visits (%)
- Births (thousands)
- Births attended by skilled health personnel (%)
- Breast cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Breast cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Cervical cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Cervical cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Children under age 5 who are wasted (weight for height) (%)
- Cholera cases
- Circulatory diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Circulatory diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Circulatory diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Cirrhosis mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Cirrhosis mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Cirrhosis mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Colorectal cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Colorectal cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Colorectal cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Communicable diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Communicable diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Communicable diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5); cities
- Contraceptive prevalence use, modern methods (%)
- Contraceptive prevalence use; modern methods (%); married or in union women
- Contraceptive prevalence use; modern methods (%); unmarried women
- Corpus uteri cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Crude birth rate (1 000 pop)
- Crude death rate (1 000 pop)
- Deaths (thousands)
- Deaths due to tetanus in children under age 5
- Deaths due to tetanus neonatorum
- Deaths from communicable diseases (%)
- Deaths from communicable diseases (%); female
- Deaths from communicable diseases (%); male
- Deaths from measles
- Deaths from noncommunicable diseases (%)
- Deaths from noncommunicable diseases (%); female
- Deaths from noncommunicable diseases (%); male
- Deaths from pertussis in children under age 5
- Deaths in children under age 5 due to diphtheria
- Demand for family planning satisfied by any modern method (%)
- Demand for family planning satisfied by any modern method (%); married or in union women
- Demand for family planning satisfied by any modern method (%); unmarried women
- Dengue cases
- Density of Dentists (10 000 pop) [new]
- Density of Medical Doctors (10 000 pop) [new]
- Density of Midwives (10 000 pop) [new]
- Density of Pharmacists (10 000 pop) [new]
- Dependency ratio (100 pop)
- Diabetes mellitus mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Diabetes mellitus mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Diabetes mellitus mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Diphtheria cases in children under age 5
- DMFT index at age 12
- Estimated infant mortality rate (1 000 lb)
- Estimated maternal mortality ratio (100 000 lb)
- Estimated under-five mortality (1 000 lb)
- Exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months (%)
- External causes mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- External causes mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- External causes mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Falls mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Falls mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Falls mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- General mortality rate (age-adjusted per 1 000 pop)
- General mortality rate (age-adjusted per 1 000 pop); female
- General mortality rate (age-adjusted per 1 000 pop); male
- GINI Index
- Gross domestic product (US$ per capita), current international (PPP-adjusted)
- Gross national income (US$ per capita), current international (PPP-adjusted)
- Gross national income per capita, Atlas method (current US$)
- HIV/AIDS mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- HIV/AIDS mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- HIV/AIDS mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Homicide mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Homicide mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Homicide mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Hospital beds ratio (1 000 pop)
- Hospital ICU beds ratio (100 000 pop)
- Human rabies cases
- Human rabies cases; female
- Human rabies cases; male
- Ill-defined and unknown causes of death (%)
- Immunization coverage (%), PCV3
- Immunization coverage of 1 year old (%), MMR1
- Immunization coverage of under-1 year old (%), BCG
- Immunization coverage of under-1 year old (%), DTP3-cv
- Immunization coverage of under-1 year old (%), Polio 3
- Immunization coverage of under-1 year old (%), Rotavirus
- Incidence of congenital syphilis (1 000 live births)
- Infant deaths
- Infant mortality rate (1 000 lb)
- Inflation (%)
- Injury deaths (%)
- Injury deaths (%); female
- Injury deaths (%); male
- Ischemic heart diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Ischemic heart diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Ischemic heart diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Kuznets ratio
- Leprosy cases in treatment
- Leptospirosis cases
- Leptospirosis cases; female
- Leptospirosis cases; male
- Life expectancy at birth (years)
- Life expectancy at birth (years); female
- Life expectancy at birth (years); male
- Low birthweight (<2 500 g) (%)
- Lower respiratory infection mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Lower respiratory infection mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Lower respiratory infection mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Lung cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Lung cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Lung cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Lung cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Lung cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Lung cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Malaria cases
- Malignant neoplasms mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Malignant neoplasms mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Malignant neoplasms mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Maternal deaths
- Maternal mortality ratio (100 000 lb)
- Mean years of schooling (years)
- Mean years of schooling (years); female
- Mean years of schooling (years); male
- Measles cases
- Median age (years)
- Mortality attributable to household and ambient air pollution (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Mortality attributable to household and ambient air pollution (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Mortality attributable to household and ambient air pollution (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Mortality garbage codes (%)
- Mortality under-registration (%)
- Municipalities with DTP3 coverage >= 95%
- Neonatal deaths
- Neonatal mortality rate (1 000 lb)
- New HIV diagnoses rate (100 000 pop)
- New HIV diagnoses rate (100 000 pop); female
- New HIV diagnoses rate (100 000 pop); male
- New HIV diagnoses; sex ratio (male:female)
- Noncommunicable diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Noncommunicable diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Noncommunicable diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Nursing personnel density (10 000 pop) [new]
- Out-of-pocket expenditure as % of current health expenditure
- Pancreas cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Pancreas cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Pancreas cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Pertussis cases in children under age 5
- Population aged < 15 years (%)
- Population aged < 15 years (%); female
- Population aged < 15 years (%); male
- Population aged < 15 years (thousands)
- Population aged < 15 years (thousands); female
- Population aged < 15 years (thousands); male
- Population aged < 5 years (thousands)
- Population aged < 5 years (thousands); female
- Population aged < 5 years (thousands); male
- Population aged 15 and over (thousands)
- Population aged 15 and over (thousands); female
- Population aged 15 and over (thousands); male
- Population aged 20 and over (thousands)
- Population aged 20 and over (thousands); female
- Population aged 20 and over (thousands); male
- Population aged 65 and over (%)
- Population aged 65 and over (%); female
- Population aged 65 and over (%); male
- Population aged 65 and over (thousands)
- Population aged 65 and over (thousands); female
- Population aged 65 and over (thousands); male
- Population at risk of malaria (%)
- Population using clean fuels and technology (%)
- Population using clean fuels and technology (%); rural
- Population using clean fuels and technology (%); urban
- Population using improved sanitation facilities; safely managed (%)
- Population using improved sanitation facilities; safely managed (%); rural
- Population using improved sanitation facilities; safely managed (%); urban
- Population using improved water supplies; safely managed (%)
- Population using improved water supplies; safely managed (%); rural
- Population using improved water supplies; safely managed (%); urban
- Postneonatal mortality rate (1 000 lb)
- Poverty headcount ratio at $ 2.15 day (2017 PPP) (% of population)
- Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population)
- Prevalence of anemia in women of reproductive age
- Prevalence of children under age 5 who are stunted (%)
- Prevalence of current tobacco use in adolescents (%)
- Prevalence of current tobacco use in adolescents (%); female
- Prevalence of current tobacco use in adolescents (%); male
- Prevalence of current tobacco use in adults (%)
- Prevalence of current tobacco use in adults (%); female
- Prevalence of current tobacco use in adults (%); male
- Prevalence of insufficient physical activity in adolescents (%)
- Prevalence of insufficient physical activity in adolescents (%); female
- Prevalence of insufficient physical activity in adolescents (%); male
- Prevalence of insufficient physical activity in adults (%)
- Prevalence of insufficient physical activity in adults (%); female
- Prevalence of insufficient physical activity in adults (%); male
- Prevalence of obesity in children/adolescents aged 10-19 years (%)
- Prevalence of obesity in children/adolescents aged 10-19 years (%); female
- Prevalence of obesity in children/adolescents aged 10-19 years (%); male
- Prevalence of overweight and obesity in adults (%)
- Prevalence of overweight and obesity in adults (%); female
- Prevalence of overweight and obesity in adults (%); male
- Prevalence of overweight in children under age 5 (%)
- Prevalence of raised blood glucose/diabetes in adults (%)
- Prevalence of raised blood glucose/diabetes in adults(%); female
- Prevalence of raised blood glucose/diabetes in adults(%); male
- Prevalence of raised blood pressure in adults (%)
- Prevalence of raised blood pressure in adults (%); female
- Prevalence of raised blood pressure in adults (%); male
- Private health expenditure as % of GDP
- Proportion of births attended at health facilities (%)
- Proportion of population with HIV who receive ART
- Proportion of voluntary non remunerated blood donation (%)
- Prostate cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Public health expenditure as % of GDP
- Respiratory diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Respiratory diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Respiratory diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Road injury mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Road injury mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Road injury mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Stomach cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Stomach cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Stomach cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Stomach cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Stomach cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Stomach cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Stroke diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Stroke diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Stroke diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Suicide mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Suicide mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Suicide mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Tetanus neonatorum cases
- Total alcohol per capita (age 15+ years) consumption
- Total alcohol per capita (age 15+ years) consumption; female
- Total alcohol per capita (age 15+ years) consumption; male
- Total fertility rate (live births per woman)
- Total population (thousands) 0-1 years
- Total population (thousands) 0-1 years; female
- Total population (thousands) 0-1 years; male
- Total population (thousands) 1-4 years
- Total population (thousands) 1-4 years; female
- Total population (thousands) 1-4 years; male
- Total population (thousands) 10-19 years
- Total population (thousands) 10-19 years; female
- Total population (thousands) 10-19 years; male
- Total population (thousands) 15-24 years
- Total population (thousands) 15-24 years; female
- Total population (thousands) 15-24 years; male
- Total population (thousands) 15-49 years; female
- Total population (thousands) 15-64 years
- Total population (thousands) 25-44 years
- Total population (thousands) 25-44 years; female
- Total population (thousands) 25-44 years; male
- Total population (thousands) 45-64 years
- Total population (thousands) 45-64 years; female
- Total population (thousands) 45-64 years; male
- Total population (thousands) 5-14 years
- Total population (thousands) 5-14 years; female
- Total population (thousands) 5-14 years; male
- Total population (thousands) 65-74 years
- Total population (thousands) 65-74 years; female
- Total population (thousands) 65-74 years; male
- Total population (thousands) 75+ years
- Total population (thousands) 75+ years; female
- Total population (thousands) 75+ years; male
- Tuberculosis incidence rate (100 000 pop)
- Tuberculosis mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Tuberculosis mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Tuberculosis mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Under age 5 deaths due to acute respiratory infections (%)
- Under age 5 deaths due to infectious intestinal disease (%)
- Under-five mortality (1 000 lb)
- Unemployment rate (%)
- Unemployment rate (%); female
- Unemployment rate (%); male
- Unintentional poisoning mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
- Unintentional poisoning mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
- Unintentional poisoning mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
- Urban Population (%)
- Wild poliomyelities cases
- Women accessing prenatal care since the first trimester (%)
- Yellow fever cases
- Youth literacy rate (%)
- Youth literacy rate; female
- Youth literacy rate; male
For more information about the indicators, please visit Technical specifications and latest updates.
Suggested citation: Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization. Core Indicators Portal. Region of the Americas. Washington D.C. [Consulted: DATE]. Available from: