Core Indicators dataset download

This dataset contains Health Core Indicators from the Americas region from 1995 to the latest available year.

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Fields used in the database

paho_indicator_idPAHO ID for this indicator
indicator_nameName of the indicator in english
nombre_indicadorName of the indicator in spanish
spatial_dim_typeType of spatial dimension
spatial_dimValue of the spatial dimension (iso code)
spatial_dim_enName of the spatial dimension in english
spatial_dim_esName of the spatial dimension in spanish
time_dim_typeType of temporal dimension
time_dimValue of the temporal dimension
numeric_valueNumeric value of this data
value_as_stringValue of this data as a string
lowLower value for this data (Estimation)
highHigher value for this data (Estimation)
technical_noteTechnical note in english
nota_tecnicaTechnical note in spanish
data_source_typeType of data source
data_source_specificSpecific value of the data source
data_provider_typeType of data provider
data_provider_specificSpecific value of the data provider
data_secondary_source   Secondary data source
type_statisticsType of statistics
public_privatePublic or private sector in english
public_private_spPublic or private sector in spanish
source_urlURL of the source
preliminaryMark for preliminary data
published_atDate of publication at the source
accessed_atDate of accessed by PAHO

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List of Indicators included in the dataset

  1. Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1 000 women aged 15-19 years)
  2. Alzheimer disease and other dementias mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  3. Alzheimer disease and other dementias mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  4. Alzheimer disease and other dementias mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  5. Annual GDP growth (%)
  6. Annual parasite incidence (1 000 pop)
  7. Annual population growth rate (%)
  8. Antenatal care coverage -at least 4 visits (%)
  9. Births (thousands)
  10. Births attended by skilled health personnel (%)
  11. Breast cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  12. Breast cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  13. Cervical cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  14. Cervical cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  15. Children under age 5 who are wasted (weight for height) (%)
  16. Cholera cases
  17. Circulatory diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  18. Circulatory diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  19. Circulatory diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  20. Cirrhosis mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  21. Cirrhosis mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  22. Cirrhosis mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  23. Colorectal cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  24. Colorectal cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  25. Colorectal cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  26. Communicable diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  27. Communicable diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  28. Communicable diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  29. Concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5); cities
  30. Contraceptive prevalence use, modern methods (%)
  31. Contraceptive prevalence use; modern methods (%); married or in union women
  32. Contraceptive prevalence use; modern methods (%); unmarried women
  33. Corpus uteri cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  34. Crude birth rate (1 000 pop)
  35. Crude death rate (1 000 pop)
  36. Deaths (thousands)
  37. Deaths due to tetanus in children under age 5
  38. Deaths due to tetanus neonatorum
  39. Deaths from communicable diseases (%)
  40. Deaths from communicable diseases (%); female
  41. Deaths from communicable diseases (%); male
  42. Deaths from measles
  43. Deaths from noncommunicable diseases (%)
  44. Deaths from noncommunicable diseases (%); female
  45. Deaths from noncommunicable diseases (%); male
  46. Deaths from pertussis in children under age 5
  47. Deaths in children under age 5 due to diphtheria
  48. Demand for family planning satisfied by any modern method (%)
  49. Demand for family planning satisfied by any modern method (%); married or in union women
  50. Demand for family planning satisfied by any modern method (%); unmarried women
  51. Dengue cases
  52. Density of Dentists (10 000 pop) [new]
  53. Density of Medical Doctors (10 000 pop) [new]
  54. Density of Midwives (10 000 pop) [new]
  55. Density of Pharmacists (10 000 pop) [new]
  56. Dependency ratio (100 pop)
  57. Diabetes mellitus mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  58. Diabetes mellitus mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  59. Diabetes mellitus mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  60. Diphtheria cases in children under age 5
  61. DMFT index at age 12 (Mean number of Decayed, Missing, and Filled Permanent Teeth)
  62. Estimated infant mortality rate (1 000 lb)
  63. Estimated maternal mortality ratio (100 000 lb)
  64. Estimated under-five mortality (1 000 lb)
  65. Exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months (%)
  66. External causes mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  67. External causes mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  68. External causes mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  69. Falls mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  70. Falls mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  71. Falls mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  72. Fetal mortality rate (1 000 births)
  73. General mortality rate (age-adjusted per 1 000 pop)
  74. General mortality rate (age-adjusted per 1 000 pop); female
  75. General mortality rate (age-adjusted per 1 000 pop); male
  76. GINI Index
  77. Gross domestic product (US$ per capita), current international (PPP-adjusted)
  78. Gross national income (US$ per capita), current international (PPP-adjusted)
  79. Gross national income per capita, Atlas method (current US$)
  80. HIV/AIDS mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  81. HIV/AIDS mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  82. HIV/AIDS mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  83. Homicide mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  84. Homicide mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  85. Homicide mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  86. Hospital beds ratio (1 000 pop)
  87. Hospital ICU beds ratio (100 000 pop)
  88. Human rabies cases
  89. Human rabies cases; female
  90. Human rabies cases; male
  91. Ill-defined and unknown causes of death (%)
  92. Immunization coverage (%), PCV3
  93. Immunization coverage of 1 year old (%), MMR1
  94. Immunization coverage of under-1 year old (%), BCG
  95. Immunization coverage of under-1 year old (%), DTP3-cv
  96. Immunization coverage of under-1 year old (%), Polio 3
  97. Immunization coverage of under-1 year old (%), Rotavirus
  98. Incidence of congenital syphilis (1 000 live births)
  99. Infant deaths
  100. Infant mortality rate (1 000 lb)
  101. Inflation (%)
  102. Injury deaths (%)
  103. Injury deaths (%); female
  104. Injury deaths (%); male
  105. Ischemic heart diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  106. Ischemic heart diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  107. Ischemic heart diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  108. Kuznets ratio
  109. Leprosy cases in treatment
  110. Leptospirosis cases
  111. Leptospirosis cases; female
  112. Leptospirosis cases; male
  113. Life expectancy at birth (years)
  114. Life expectancy at birth (years); female
  115. Life expectancy at birth (years); male
  116. Low birthweight (<2 500 g) (%)
  117. Lower respiratory infection mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  118. Lower respiratory infection mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  119. Lower respiratory infection mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  120. Lung cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  121. Lung cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  122. Lung cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  123. Lung cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  124. Lung cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  125. Lung cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  126. Malaria cases
  127. Malignant neoplasms mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  128. Malignant neoplasms mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  129. Malignant neoplasms mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  130. Maternal deaths
  131. Maternal mortality ratio (100 000 lb)
  132. Mean years of schooling (years)
  133. Mean years of schooling (years); female
  134. Mean years of schooling (years); male
  135. Measles cases
  136. Median age (years)
  137. Mortality attributable to household and ambient air pollution (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  138. Mortality attributable to household and ambient air pollution (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  139. Mortality attributable to household and ambient air pollution (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  140. Mortality garbage codes (%)
  141. Mortality under-registration (%)
  142. Municipalities with DTP3 coverage >= 95%
  143. Neonatal deaths
  144. Neonatal mortality rate (1 000 lb)
  145. New HIV diagnoses rate (100 000 pop)
  146. New HIV diagnoses rate (100 000 pop); female
  147. New HIV diagnoses rate (100 000 pop); male
  148. New HIV diagnoses; sex ratio (male:female)
  149. Noncommunicable diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  150. Noncommunicable diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  151. Noncommunicable diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  152. Nursing personnel density (10 000 pop) [new]
  153. Out-of-pocket expenditure as % of current health expenditure
  154. Pancreas cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  155. Pancreas cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  156. Pancreas cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  157. Pertussis cases in children under age 5
  158. Population aged < 15 years (%)
  159. Population aged < 15 years (%); female
  160. Population aged < 15 years (%); male
  161. Population aged < 15 years (thousands)
  162. Population aged < 15 years (thousands); female
  163. Population aged < 15 years (thousands); male
  164. Population aged < 5 years (thousands)
  165. Population aged < 5 years (thousands); female
  166. Population aged < 5 years (thousands); male
  167. Population aged 15 and over (thousands)
  168. Population aged 15 and over (thousands); female
  169. Population aged 15 and over (thousands); male
  170. Population aged 20 and over (thousands)
  171. Population aged 20 and over (thousands); female
  172. Population aged 20 and over (thousands); male
  173. Population aged 65 and over (%)
  174. Population aged 65 and over (%); female
  175. Population aged 65 and over (%); male
  176. Population aged 65 and over (thousands)
  177. Population aged 65 and over (thousands); female
  178. Population aged 65 and over (thousands); male
  179. Population at risk of malaria (%)
  180. Population using clean fuels and technology (%)
  181. Population using clean fuels and technology (%); rural
  182. Population using clean fuels and technology (%); urban
  183. Population using improved sanitation facilities; safely managed (%)
  184. Population using improved sanitation facilities; safely managed (%); rural
  185. Population using improved sanitation facilities; safely managed (%); urban
  186. Population using improved water supplies; safely managed (%)
  187. Population using improved water supplies; safely managed (%); rural
  188. Population using improved water supplies; safely managed (%); urban
  189. Postneonatal mortality rate (1 000 lb)
  190. Poverty headcount ratio at $ 2.15 day (2017 PPP) (% of population)
  191. Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population)
  192. Prevalence of anemia in women of reproductive age
  193. Prevalence of children under age 5 who are stunted (%)
  194. Prevalence of current tobacco use in adolescents (%)
  195. Prevalence of current tobacco use in adolescents (%); female
  196. Prevalence of current tobacco use in adolescents (%); male
  197. Prevalence of current tobacco use in adults (%)
  198. Prevalence of current tobacco use in adults (%); female
  199. Prevalence of current tobacco use in adults (%); male
  200. Prevalence of insufficient physical activity in adolescents (%)
  201. Prevalence of insufficient physical activity in adolescents (%); female
  202. Prevalence of insufficient physical activity in adolescents (%); male
  203. Prevalence of insufficient physical activity in adults (%)
  204. Prevalence of insufficient physical activity in adults (%); female
  205. Prevalence of insufficient physical activity in adults (%); male
  206. Prevalence of obesity in children/adolescents aged 10-19 years (%)
  207. Prevalence of obesity in children/adolescents aged 10-19 years (%); female
  208. Prevalence of obesity in children/adolescents aged 10-19 years (%); male
  209. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in adults (%)
  210. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in adults (%); female
  211. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in adults (%); male
  212. Prevalence of overweight in children under age 5 (%)
  213. Prevalence of raised blood glucose/diabetes in adults (%)
  214. Prevalence of raised blood glucose/diabetes in adults(%); female
  215. Prevalence of raised blood glucose/diabetes in adults(%); male
  216. Prevalence of raised blood pressure in adults (%)
  217. Prevalence of raised blood pressure in adults (%); female
  218. Prevalence of raised blood pressure in adults (%); male
  219. Private health expenditure as % of GDP
  220. Proportion of births attended at health facilities (%)
  221. Proportion of population with HIV who receive ART
  222. Proportion of voluntary non remunerated blood donation (%)
  223. Prostate cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  224. Public health expenditure as % of GDP
  225. Respiratory diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  226. Respiratory diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  227. Respiratory diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  228. Road injury mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  229. Road injury mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  230. Road injury mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  231. Stomach cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  232. Stomach cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  233. Stomach cancer incidence rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  234. Stomach cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  235. Stomach cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  236. Stomach cancer mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  237. Stroke diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  238. Stroke diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  239. Stroke diseases mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  240. Suicide mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  241. Suicide mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  242. Suicide mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  243. Tetanus neonatorum cases
  244. Total alcohol per capita (age 15+ years) consumption
  245. Total alcohol per capita (age 15+ years) consumption; female
  246. Total alcohol per capita (age 15+ years) consumption; male
  247. Total fertility rate (live births per woman)
  248. Total population (thousands) 0-1 years
  249. Total population (thousands) 0-1 years; female
  250. Total population (thousands) 0-1 years; male
  251. Total population (thousands) 1-4 years
  252. Total population (thousands) 1-4 years; female
  253. Total population (thousands) 1-4 years; male
  254. Total population (thousands) 10-19 years
  255. Total population (thousands) 10-19 years; female
  256. Total population (thousands) 10-19 years; male
  257. Total population (thousands) 15-24 years
  258. Total population (thousands) 15-24 years; female
  259. Total population (thousands) 15-24 years; male
  260. Total population (thousands) 15-49 years; female
  261. Total population (thousands) 15-64 years
  262. Total population (thousands) 25-44 years
  263. Total population (thousands) 25-44 years; female
  264. Total population (thousands) 25-44 years; male
  265. Total population (thousands) 45-64 years
  266. Total population (thousands) 45-64 years; female
  267. Total population (thousands) 45-64 years; male
  268. Total population (thousands) 5-14 years
  269. Total population (thousands) 5-14 years; female
  270. Total population (thousands) 5-14 years; male
  271. Total population (thousands) 65-74 years
  272. Total population (thousands) 65-74 years; female
  273. Total population (thousands) 65-74 years; male
  274. Total population (thousands) 75+ years
  275. Total population (thousands) 75+ years; female
  276. Total population (thousands) 75+ years; male
  277. Tuberculosis incidence rate (100 000 pop)
  278. Tuberculosis mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  279. Tuberculosis mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  280. Tuberculosis mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  281. Under age 5 deaths due to acute respiratory infections (%)
  282. Under age 5 deaths due to infectious intestinal disease (%)
  283. Under-five mortality (1 000 lb)
  284. Unemployment rate (%)
  285. Unemployment rate (%); female
  286. Unemployment rate (%); male
  287. Unintentional poisoning mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop)
  288. Unintentional poisoning mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); female
  289. Unintentional poisoning mortality rate (age-adjusted per 100 000 pop); male
  290. Urban Population (%)
  291. Wild poliomyelities cases
  292. Women accessing prenatal care since the first trimester (%)
  293. Yellow fever cases
  294. Youth literacy rate (%)
  295. Youth literacy rate; female
  296. Youth literacy rate; male


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January 14th, 2025

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Suggested citation: Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization. Core Indicators Portal. Region of the Americas. Washington D.C. [Consulted: DATE]. Available from: